Ho’on Dojo students have heart and determination. Ho’on Dojo isn’t a martial arts factory or a place that rushes you through belts all while paying for each step of the way. We offer various days and times of the week for a flexible schedule and welcome both male and female students starting as young as 15* with no upper age limit. Our ideal student in the dojo is not a certain age, just someone who has their heart into the practice.
Remember, a belt, whether white or black, only holds your pants up. It does not define you. You, your mind, your desire, your dedication will always be more important than a colored belt. A true Martial Artist, not only trains in their art, they live it, both in and out of the Dojo. They carry its spirit with them always, in their hearts, minds, body and souls. And remember this…. a true martial artist is always……humble.
Sensei Dayna A.
Third Degree Black Belt
Dayna, a 3rd-degree black belt, started in our self-defense class years ago and transitioned into our Ju-Jitsu program. Dayna's willpower and sheer determination has made her Sensei Brian's cornerstone to building better students. Dayna is the glue that holds this together. Her never ending loyalty to this art, her Sensei, (Sensei Brian), and our students is quite impressive.
Jimmy B.
1st Degree Brown Belt
Jimmy's keen eye for the different technical aspects of the art, are quite impressive.
Green Belt w/ stripe
Gryff's enthusiasm and energy bring a new dynamic to our dojo.
Steve B.
3rd Degree Brown Belt
Steve's commitment and sheer determination to be his best at this ancient art, bring a positive vibe into the dojo.
Greg M.
Green Belt w/ stripe
Greg came to our dojo with a background in Hapkido, and his desire to learn this new art of Ju Jitsu shines through every class.
Green Belt w/stripe
Kylee, with her great sense of humor and dedication, is a great addition to our dojo.
Green Belt w/stripe
Richard brings unbridled energy to our dojo. His positive attitude will surely assist him in his growth._